
Hábitats Emergentes

  /     /  Hábitats Emergentes

Cooperative housing units are based on a structural fragment or piece-pattern that defines and consolidates the triad: floor-wall-ceiling. Made up of pre-assembled panels that are juxtaposed, longitudinally braced, its development responds to the need for modular growth depending on the number of inhabitants in each unit. The materials and finishes of this piece are cataloged according to different needs of uses and modes, and are adapted to each situation to guarantee the best orientation, ventilation and lighting. As a premise, it seeks to maintain versatility and freedom in all plans; where each coexistence group builds its spaces by having prefabricated, mobile and transformable furniture. The three groupings proposals: urban, high mountain and desert, are adapted to the real situation of the territory where they are developed; maintaining in its layout the spirit of the grid or checkerboard, with the units oriented to the north and organized in two axes: north-south / east-west. The key design lies in the distance between them, giving rise to activities in the public space: collective gardens, greenhouses, spaces for rest and socialization. The configuration insists and deepens the idea of ​​the community project for situations in inhospitable territories; with environmental sustainability as a great framework for a new architectural paradigm.


