Within the context of the recovery of a property adjacent to FADU, a series of buildings are proposed for the University of Buenos Aires. The land, 24 hectares arranged around a bay, is in a strategic location. It is one of the few properties that remained in private hands on the coast of the Río de la Plata in Buenos Aires. It is located in the natural continuity of the waterfront and the pedestrian coastal walk, thus joining the green spaces and services that exist on the river in Vicente López and in front of the Aeroparque airport. It constitutes a fundamental piece for a comprehensive coastal project. Likewise, the land is located on the highway corridor of Avenida Lugones, one of the main entrance and exit arteries of the City of Buenos Aires. Within the framework of a master plan for the entire bay, which includes the headquarters of the rectory, a marina and a river station, a university hotel is projected for the UBA. The hotel is located in the narrowest area of the land, joining in its cross section the highway, the street and the coastal walk. A strip resolution is proposed, with all the rooms facing the river, and an integral parametric skin towards the highway.
A modulated and open metal structure resolves 80 double rooms, study areas and common spaces for passengers and traffic. It sits on a terraced topography with a cafe-restaurant, a workshop area, an open amphitheater and an auditorium for 150 people with a foyer and an exhibition area.
5 April, 2020